Issued: 12 June 2007
The Green Party concluded talks with Fianna Fáil this evening and agreed a draft programme for government that will be put before a special convention of party members tomorrow. Negotiation teams and party leaders reached agreement at approximately 8.30pm after a day of intensive talks and document drafting
We will prioritise and intensify measures to tackle alcohol and drug misuse among all sections of the population and in particular among young people. Specifically, we will:
- Use the education system and public awareness campaigns to highlight the damage caused by binge drinking.
- Put in place a fund for the provision of a countrywide network of youth cafes where young people can meet in a safe, legal, alcohol-free and healthy environment.
- In recognition of the growth of home drinking and our continuing high rates of binge drinking, we will develop a code of practice on the sale of alcohol with the off-licence trade.
- Use the taxation system to promote low alcohol or alcohol-free products.
- We will implement the recommendations of the Working Group on alcohol abuse established under Sustaining Progress.
- Double the penalties for all offences relating to the sale of alcohol to children, the purchase of alcohol for children and the breach of the restrictions on the presence of underage persons on licensed premises.
- Provide early intervention programmes in all social, health and justice services to ensure early detection and appropriate responses to high risk drinking.
- Discuss the question of the sponsorship of sporting events by the alcohol industry with the aim of phasing it out.
- Increase penalties under the Public Order Act especially for alcohol-related disorder and increase the fine for supplying
alcohol to under 18s from �1,500 to �5,000.