June 2007
Focus On:Focus On: Counselor Wellness: Benefits of Balancing Work and HomeCounselor Wellness: Benefits of Balancing Work and HomeThe Counselor Assistance Program of OASAS (Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services’) provides assistance and advocacy for colleagues who may be struggling with alcohol or drug abuse problems, gambling, depression, anxiety, stress, or other addictions and mental health issues. Chemical dependency and mental illness are treatable diseases and it is essential that addiction counselors have access to these services. The OASAS Counselor Assistance Program (formerly Counselor Wellness) offers confidential, non-disciplinary assistance to counselors, with the goal of maintaining or returning them to effective, professional practice.
For more information about the OASAS Counselor Assistance Program please visit: http://www.oasas.state.ny.us/sqa/credentialing/counselor_wellness.cfm
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AnnouncementsAnnouncements - National HIV Testing Day is June 27th
National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) is an annual campaign produced by the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA-US) to encourage at-risk individuals to receive voluntary HIV counseling and testing.
- Pennsylvania Regional Drug and Alcohol Training Institute
The next PA Regional Drug and Alcohol Training Institute is scheduled for September 26-28, 2007 in Johnstown, PA. The featured track of this institute is "Veterans: Serving Those Who Serve; Veterans and their Families". Click on the link for a "Save the Date" flyer and more information. http://www.ireta.org/ireta_main/training_events.htm#3
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Training and EventsTraining and Events New Jersey |  | Salem County’s Annual Disability Awareness Day Riverview Inn, Pennsville, NJ July 19, 2007 Salem County Office for Disabled (856) 935-7510
Why Is It Hard to Quit Smoking Cumberland County Health Department 790 E. Commerce Street, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 Tuesday, August 7, 2007, 3:30pm-6:30pm To register, call Christina at 609-221-8298
Tobacco Dependence Treatment Specialist Training The Tobacco Dependence Program of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey - School of Public Health, is offering a 5-day training to prepare health care professionals to provide treatment for tobacco dependence. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey School of Public Health, Tobacco Dependence Program New Brunswick, New Jersey Monday, September 24, 2007 - Friday, September 28, 2007 (every Day) To register, visit http://www.tobaccoprogram.org Contact nancy.speelman@umdnj.edu or joan.maurer@umdnj.edu at 732-235-8220 for more information. |
New York | 7th International Conference on Pain and Chemical Dependency The International Association for Pain and Chemical Dependency (IAPCD) is an international organization dedicated to promoting appropriate and effective treatment for all patients with pain, including individuals with substance abuse, mental health or other co-occurring problems that make treatment more challenging. Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers 811 Seventh Avenue at West 53rd Street, New York, NY 10019 June 21-24, 2007 Mitchell Greenberg, MD Tel: 1-866-908-8398 Fax: 1-800-679-0959
Buprenorphine and Office Based Treatment of Opioid Dependence American Society of Addiction Medicine CME: 8.0 Credit Hours in Category 1 of AMA Syracuse, NY, August 25, 2007 Contact: 1-888-362-6784
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Pennsylvania |  | TR424 Examining Substance Use Disorders in Adults: An Overview This course provides an overview of DSM categories of substances of abuse and how these disorders are differentiated in the DSM. Woodlands - June 26, 2007, 1073 Highway 315, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 Call to Register 1-877-243-3033 Holiday Inn - June 27, 2007, I-81, Exit 80, Grantville, PA 17028 Call to Register 1-877-243-3033 Visit this link for more information: http://www.pa-co-occurring.org/ireta_training.htm
Mini-Regional Training July 2007 Mini-Regional Trainings: Continuing a practice begun in January, 2004, the Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Programs is once again providing "Mini-Regional Trainings". These one-day events will consist of six training modules, each module will include four separate and distinct courses. One training module will be offered in each of our Public Health District every other month. By offering a new module every other month, each District will have all 24 scheduled courses offered on an annual basis. Please contact Robert Burhannan at 717-787-2606. Visit this link for more information: http://www.dsf.health.state.pa.us/health/cwp/view.asp?A=173&Q=235511
Pennsylvania Regional Drug and Alcohol Training Institute The next PA Regional Drug and Alcohol Training Institute is scheduled for September 26-28, 2007 in Johnstown, PA. The featured track of this institute is "Veterans: Serving Those Who Serve; Veterans and their Families". Click on the link for a "Save the Date" flyer and more information. http://www.ireta.org/ireta_main/training_events.htm#3
Bureau of Drug & Alcohol Programs (BDAP) Click here for all SCA Trainings & Information |
Online Trainings | The Central East ATTC has the following self-paced courses available: - Hepatitis C: A Guide for Counselors and Outreach Workers - Buprenorphine Treatment of Opioid Addiction: A Counselor’s Guide - Welfare Reform for Addiction Professionals To register for these courses and more, go to: http://danyalearningcenter.com/ or contact CEATTC at (240) 645-1140.
CSAP’s Prevention Pathways Online Free Training Topics Include: - Environmental Strategies for Prevention - Silence Hurts: Alcohol Abuse and Violence Against Women - Wading Through the Data Swamp: Program Evaluation 201 More information is available at: http://pathwayscourses.samhsa.gov/index.htm |  |
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NeATTC ProductsNeATTC Products - Smoking Cessation Treatment at Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Programs
Cigarette smoking is common among persons with drug and alcohol use disorders, with prevalence rates of 80-90% among patients in substance use disorder treatment programs. Such concurrent smoking may produce adverse behavioral and medical problems, and is associated with greater levels of substance use disorder. To order hard copies click here:http://www.ireta.org/store/customer/product.php?productid=104&cat=9&page=1
- Linking Addiction Treatment and Communities of Recovery -- A Primer for Addiction Counselors, Recovery Coaches and the Recovery Community co-authored by William White, M.A., and Ernest Kurtz, Ph.D.
The NeATTC and IRETA recently published this seminal piece that describes the emergence of a recovery paradigm as a new organizing concept for treatment and recovery support services. It summarizes the scientific evidence supporting post-treatment check-ups and assertive linkage to peer-based recovery support groups and describes the growing diversity of American communities of recovery. More then 2,000 free copies have been disseminated within the NeATTC region. The monograph, along with a compendium power point presentation, is available online and downloadable free of charge at http://www.neattc.org or call 1-866-246-5344. Bound copies can be ordered at $ 10 per copy plus shipping and handling. Quantity discounts are available.
- The Northeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center (NeATTC) today announced the release of the monograph "Taking Action to Build a Stronger Addictions Workforce" Pittsburgh, - August 14, 2006.
The monograph is an overview of NeATTC’s Workforce Development Summit II held in Philadelphia last October where leaders from the NeATTC’s member states (New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania) shared updates on their workforce development programs, discussed challenges to implementation, and discussed new directions for workforce development. Outcomes of strategies when available, and next steps that the region and its member states are considering as possible options were presented by summit participants. The "Taking Action to Build a Stronger Addictions Workforce" monograph is available online and downloadable free of charge at http://www.neattc.org. Bound copies can be ordered at $ 10 per copy plus shipping and handling. Quantity discounts are available. For additional information call 1.866.246.5344.
- Imagine Who You Could Save is a workforce recruitment video promoting addictions career opportunities. The purpose of the video is to promote opportunities in the addiction career field on a national scale while dispelling preconceived notions and/or stereotypes typically associated with the addiction/substance use disorder field. NAADAC, in collaboration with the National Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC), Northeast and Central East ATTC’s have put together an excellent product. Your organization can add your name and logo on the trailer for a cost of $100.00. This will be your personal copy for your use in recruitment and awareness purposes. This also increases the visibility of your agency. You may also purchase a non-customized version of the video for $35.00. Contact the Northeast ATTC if you are interested in obtaining a personal copy of the recruitment video at (412) 391-4449 or http://www.neattc.org.
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Science to Service NewsScience to Service NewsMore Natural Radiation in Cigarettes than Chernobyl Fallout: When the Chernobyl nuclear reactor melted down in 1986, it spread radioactive fallout across a wide area. But a new study says that the amount of radioactive material left on plants by Chernobyl pales in comparison with the radium and polonium found naturally in tobacco. http://www.jointogether.org/news/research/summaries/2007/more-natural-radiation-in.html
SAMHSA: Girls Enter Treatment Younger, Use Different Drugs: Teenage girls tend to enter addiction treatment at a younger age than boys and are more likely to be primary users of alcohol or inhalants, whereas boys are most likely to report that marijuana is their favorite drug. http://www.jointogether.org/news/research/summaries/2007/samhsa-girls-enter-treatment.html
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CESAR PublicationCESAR Publication Return to top |
Information SearchInformation SearchInformation Specialists in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania respond to information requests from the multi-disciplinary addiction prevention and treatment workforce providing a link between research and practice. http://www.neattc.org ____________________________________________________________________