Psychiatry Research Article in Press 25 April 2007
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of dissociative disorders among inpatients with alcohol dependency.
Of the 54 patients evaluated, 10 (9.0% of the original 111) patients had a dissociative disorder.
Among the dissociative disorder group, nine patients had dissociative disorder not otherwise specified and one patient had depersonalization disorder. Female gender, younger age, history of suicide attempt, childhood emotional and sexual abuse, and neglect were more frequent in the dissociative disorder group than among non-dissociative patients.
Although the probability of having a comorbid dissociative disorder was not higher among alcohol-dependent inpatients than among the general psychiatric inpatients, the dissociative subgroup had distinct features.
Implications of comorbid dissociative disorders and dissociative experiences on prevention and treatment of alcohol dependency and the importance of gender-specific characteristics in this relationship require further study.
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