Research, Policy and Practice Around the World
March 7-10, 2007
The Victoria Conference Centre
Victoria, BC, Canada
Web-Casting of Plenary Sessions
Please Click Here
- Plenary: Why so Uncomfortable? Resolving the Stigma Associated with Women and Alcohol
- Plenary: National Prevention Panel
- Part 1: FASD: From Discovery to Prevention in Washington State
- Part 2: MRI, MRS, fMRI, Psychological, and Psychiatric Outcomes of Children with FASD
- The Dr. Geoffrey Robinson Memorial Lecture: Persistent Developmental Consequences. FASD Long-term Follow-up Study into Adulthood (Germany)
- Research Symposia
- Plenary: The Western and Northern Canadian Approach to Diagnostic, Intervention and Prevention Research
- Plenary: Biomarkers and Effect Modifiers of FASD: Findings from Detroit and Capetown