Journal of Affective Disorders
Volume 99, Issues 1-3, April 2007, Pages 165-172
Non-drinkers have elevated levels of psychological distress but a recent study reported no elevation in prevalence of diagnosed disorders.
We aimed to determine the prevalence of affective and anxiety disorders (from the CIDI-A) in current abstainers and contrast results with findings for psychological distress (K10) in the same sample.
This study confirmed J-shaped relationships between psychological distress and alcohol consumption. Although affective and anxiety disorders also showed non-linear relationships with alcohol consumption, non-/occasional drinkers are not at increased risk for all disorders compared to light drinkers.
The pattern of symptomatology in non-/occasional drinkers may be of a different character to that in heavy drinkers, as well as being less severe.
Reprint Request E-mail: Bryan.Rodgers@anu.edu.au
Source: Daily Dose