The HSE today (September 6th 2009) launched the latest in a series of reports on alcohol, 'A Standard Drink in Ireland:What strength?'. "It is important for all of us to have information on the alcohol content of the drinks we consume", said Dr Joe Barry. "Existing labelling policies prevent us knowing how much pure alcohol is contained in various products. Using this report you can calculate more precisely your alcohol intake. It would also be very helpful to have calorie information on labels. Alcohol is a major source of uncounted calories for many people"
"The report also highlights the dramatic expansion in the range and alcohol content of products on the Irish market over the past number of years", said Ms Catherine Murphy, Assistant National Director for Health Promotion. "This,combined with the absence of clear labelling, militates against making healthy choices".
The findings include:
· a pint of beer contains almost 20 grams of pure alcohol
· a bottle of strong wine contains over 80 grams of pure alcohol
· a small measure of spirits contains about 10 grams of pure alcohol
Among the recommendations contained in the report are the need for more explicit health labelling on alcohol containers and the need to review Ireland's low risk drinking guidelines.