Most first-time offenders for driving while intoxicated need help for more than just alcohol
Public release date: 26-Mar-2007
Contact: Rebekka S. Palmer, Ph.D.
203-781-2777, ext. 144
Yale University School of Medicine
Mary E. Larimer, Ph.D.
University of Washington
Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research
Most first-time offenders for driving while intoxicated need help for more than just alcohol
Most first-time offenders for driving while intoxicated need help for more than just alcohol
- Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a significant public-health problem in the US.
- New findings indicate that many first-time DWI offenders also have high rates of other substance-use disorders as well as other psychiatric disorders.
- Intervention programs may need to provide enhanced services to help this more severe subtype of DWI offenders.
New findings indicate that because most first-time DWI offenders also have high rates of other substance-use disorders as well as other psychiatric disorders, intervention programs may need to provide enhanced services to help this more severe subtype of DWI offenders.
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