Eurocare Press Release - 14th March 2007
Eurocare welcomes public support for Alcohol Strategy
Eurocare welcomes the Eurobarometer Special Report on attitudes towards alcohol, released today by the European Commission, and hopes the survey will be repeated at regular intervals in order to, amongst other things, measure the success of the EU Alcohol Strategy in reducing the harm done by alcohol in Europe.
The low awareness among EU citizens of the permitted blood alcohol levels or the trend among the youngest respondents to drink 3- 4 drinks or more on any given drinking occasion, show that the EU has still a long way to go in this field.
Andrew McNeil, Honorary Secretary of Eurocare, the European Alcohol Policy Alliance, welcomed the findings in the report and said that “although the results of the survey show that there is still much work that needs to be done, there is also a considerable public support for tackling drink driving and underage drinking, which bodes well for the Commission Strategy”.
Around three quarters of EU citizens would agree with putting warnings on the containers of alcoholic beverages, introducing lower blood alcohol level for young drivers or banning alcohol advertising which targets young people. Banning the sale and serving of alcohol to people under the age of 18 was regarded as an important measure by 87% of the Europeans surveyed.