J. Stud. Alcohol Drugs 68: 879-885, 2007)
The purposes of this investigation were (1) to describe postpartum drinking patterns among women who were frequent drinkers before pregnancy and (2) to identify factors correlated with postpartum risky drinking among women who were frequent drinkers before pregnancy.
Overall, 37.8% (n = 144) of women reported postpartum risky drinking. Eighteen percent reported heavy episodic drinking only, 5% reported frequent drinking only, and 15% reported both behaviors.
Postpartum risky drinkers were more likely than other women to have had a partner who engaged in risky drinking , to have been unemployed , to have smoked following pregnancy , and to have consumed alcohol after the recognition of pregnancy . Women who breast-fed their child were less likely to report risky drinking .
In the postpartum period, health care providers may want to focus alcohol screening efforts on former frequent drinkers who are smokers, are unemployed, have a partner who is a risky drinker, or are not breast-feeding.
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