Call for nominations We wish Faces & Voices board member and New England regional representative Rev. Hugh-Tudor Foley best wishes on his new assignment to St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Yuma, Arizona. His move creates an opening on the Faces & Voices board of directors to serve out his term through July, 2009. The deadline for applications is December 5. Recovery Voices Count Our Recovery Voices Count campaign is underway. Insurance Discrimination Update Thanks to Faces & Voices board member William Moyers and David Wellstone, co-founder of Wellstone Action, for authoring, “Mental Illness and Addiction Don’t Discriminate, but Insurance Policies Do,” which appeared in The Hill, a publication widely read on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. And thanks to Bill Johnson, President of the Central Illinois Recovery Coalition (CILRC) in Springfield, IL and other advocates for getting your letters published in your local newspaper. No date has yet been set for a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives on H.R. 1424, the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007. Faces & Voices’ interns Thanks to Holly Robertson who just completed her internship at Faces & Voices and welcome to Jennifer Taber, a senior at American University. Resources/Opportunities: Rally for Recovery! photographs are still coming in, check out what we’ve received so far! _____________________________________________________________________________ |