Final Report for the Alcohol Education & Research Council
October 2007
In the UK, alcohol-related harm has become a community concern over recent years, mirrored by an increase in community initiatives to tackle problems at a local level. In 2003-04 the Alcohol Education and Research Council prioritised community action to reduce alcohol-related harm, and part-funded three projects in the cities of Glasgow, Cardiff and Birmingham. The projects became jointly known as the UK Community Alcohol Prevention Programme (UKCAPP), and aimed to reduce alcohol-related harm and disorder. The projects were influenced by the approach championed by Holder (e.g. 2000, 2004), that efforts be directed toward policy-makers in positions to influence social, economic, and environmental structures in the local environment. In Glasgow and Cardiff the projects were city-centre focused, building on long-standing community partnerships. The Birmingham project was undertaken on a transport corridor across three southern suburbs, where community action had to be developed.
The AERC commissioned the Mental Health Research and Development Unit to ascertain the extent to which the projects adhered to the Holder model; identify barriers and solutions to implementation; draw conclusions about what worked and how; and combine individual project evaluations into a whole.
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