On September 28-29, 2005, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)
convened over 100 stakeholders to discuss transformative ideas and concrete
recommendations for moving the substance use disorders services field more
toward a recovery-oriented approach. At the Summit, leaders in the field
identified guiding principles of recovery and elements of recovery-oriented
systems for care for people with substance use disorders. This was the
first time a broad-based consensus on guiding principles of recovery and
elements of recovery-oriented systems of care was achieved on a national
The Report from the CSAT National Summit on Recovery is being provided as a
reference document to assist individuals and organizations submitting
applications under the CSAT Request for Applicants (RFA) for the Addiction
Technology Transfer Centers (ATTC) Program. The ATTC RFA requires
applicants to discuss how they will help prepare the addictions workforce to
function in recovery-oriented systems of care. By providing background
information on the process and key findings of the CSAT National Summit on
Recovery, the Conference Report may be helpful to applicants.
National Summit on Recovery Report
Download Full Report (PDF)
Contributor: Don Phillips