Alcohol consumption is an integral part of the social fabric in many countries. Yet the role occupied by drinking is quite different across countries and cultures, and is reflected in local customs, patterns, and attitudes. Despite this wide diversity, the lingua franca of the alcohol field is English, as are the publications that provide the evidence base most commonly used in international policy discussions. As a result, much of the research published in other languages and reflecting different cultural contexts and approaches escapes broader notice.
The ICAP Periodic Review on Drinking and Culture is an electronic publication that seeks to help remedy this disparity. Its key objectives are to:
- give greater exposure to research not currently published or widely available in English;
- broaden the range of cultural perspectives and the evidence base used in the crafting of policy and prevention.
Each issue of the Periodic Review presents English translations of abstracts of publications appearing in language areas currently underrepresented in major English-language research databases. Coverage of the Periodic Review is limited to psychosocial and socio-cultural research, to focus on drinking culture, behavior, patterns, and psychosocial outcomes.
Identification and selection of key research to be featured and all editorial decisions are carried out by an Editorial Group, consisting of experts from diverse geographic, linguistic, and disciplinary areas
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