Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research Early View 23 Oct 2009
Alcohol abuse represents the major identified etiological factor of cirrhosis in México. ADH1B, ALDH2, and CYP2E1 have been considered candidate genes in alcohol-related diseases. Controversial results probably due to ethnic differences, among other factors, have been reported. Mexican Mestizos (MES) derive from the combination of indigenous, Spaniard, and African genes. Huichols (HUI) constitute an indigenous group from western Mexico with no racial admixture.
We determined ADH1B*2, ALDH2*2, and CYP2E1*c2 allele frequencies in healthy HUI and MES from western Mexico. Lipid and hepatic profile were also carried out.
Huichols exhibited the highest CYP2E1*c2 allele frequency of the world documented up to this date; meanwhile, ADH1B*2 and ALDH2*2 were practically absent. This feature could be useful in the understanding of Mexican population gene composition, alcohol metabolism, and alcoholic liver disease development. However, further association studies are necessary.
The heterogeneity of Mexican population was evidenced by the significantly different distribution of CYP2E1*c2 allele observed among different regions of the country. Lipid and hepatic values were not associated to genotype.
This report constitutes the first study dealing with gene polymorphisms of alcohol metabolizing enzymes conducted in HUI.
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