The REAP (Research for Effective Alcohol Policies) is a grouping of researchers at British universities established by the Medical Research Council. This major new initiative will take stock of what we know, assess practice around the country, and place evaluation research skills in the service of community responses to alcohol.
We are working to develop a broadly based multi-disciplinary UK partnership to support alcohol policy research and development, informed by the views of key stakeholders in alcohol harm reduction.
We believe that the success of this initiative will depend critically on the development of a strong alliance of community organisations operating at local level including local authorities, the voluntary sector, police and other elements of the criminal justice system, primary care trusts and other non-health sector agencies.
We very much hope that you or a named colleague will be able to attend our first full stakeholder meeting, where we will present our initial ideas, and discuss how we can best develop and evaluate community interventions that are responsive to local needs and based on evidence, with the goal of reducing harm from alcohol.
This meeting will take place in London at the UCL Cruciform Building (Lecture Theatre 2) on Gower Street (nearest tube Euston Square, also close to Euston Station - map attached) from 1.30-3.30 on Monday November 23rd. If you or a colleague are able to come, please contact Despoina.Xenikaki@lshtm.ac.uk no later than November 13th, indicating your role and e-mail address. Also, if you are aware of any groups or individuals whom we have overlooked, please feel free to ask them to contact us.