23 October 2007
In February 2005, following consideration of an independent evaluation of tobacco test purchasing pilots, the Lord Advocate revised prosecution policy to allow test purchasing of age restricted goods by children and young people under the age of 18, in circumstances where the purchaser is not committing a separate offence. This allowed test purchasing of fireworks, tobacco and other age restricted products, but not alcohol. While satisfied, in principle, that alcohol test purchasing would be an effective enforcement tool, the Lord Advocate remained concerned about the safety and welfare of the young people taking part in test purchasing exercises. It was agreed, therefore, that before the relevant provisions of the new Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 are generally commenced (probably 2009), a pilot exercise was to be undertaken. The aim of this pilot, conducted in Fife, was to assess test purchasing arrangements to enable common procedures and operating protocols to be developed to ensure that alcohol test purchasing can be carried out safely, fairly and effectively in a Scottish context.
2.1 Aim of the Evaluation
2.2 Evaluation Objectives
3.1 Summary of Research Design
3.2 Data on Test Purchases
3.3 Young Volunteers
3.4 Key Stakeholder Views
3.4.1 Stakeholder Views - Baseline
3.4.2 Stakeholder Views - Impact
3.4.3 Stakeholder Views - Outcome
3.4.4 Stakeholder Views - Summary
3.5 Analysis
4.1 Licensee Interviews
4.1.1 Licensee Sample
4.1.2 Knowledge, Awareness and Views of Test Purchasing
4.1.3 Likelihood of Being Targeted During Pilot
4.1.4 Proof of Age Card Schemes
4.1.5 Training of Staff and Licensee Practice
4.1.6 Measures Aimed at Stopping Alcohol Sales to Underage Young People
4.1.7 Views of the Test Purchase Visit
4.2 Volunteer Interviews
4.2.1 Background Information
4.2.2 Involvement in the Test Purchase Pilot
4.2.3 Training and Briefing for the Pilot
4.2.4 Parental Reaction to Involvement in the Pilot
4.2.5 Perceptions of the Test Purchase Visits
4.2.6 Future Test Purchase Exercises
4.3 Interviews with Parents
4.3.1 Background Information
4.3.2 Awareness of the Progress of the Test Purchase Pilot
4.3.3 Perceptions of the Training and Briefing Programme
4.3.4 Views of Volunteer Participation in Test Purchasing Visits
4.3.5 Future Test Purchase Exercises
4.4 Interviews with Police Staff
4.4.1 Background Information
4.4.2 Test Purchase Test Failures
4.4.3 Feedback from Licensees
4.4.4 Views of Volunteer Participation in Test Purchase Pilot
4.4.5 Perceptions of Success of the Test Purchase Pilot
4.4.6 Measures Aimed at Stopping Alcohol Sales to Underage Young People
4.4.7 Ways Forward for the Test Purchasing Pilot
4.5 Interview with Procurator Fiscal
4.5.1 Background Information
4.5.2 Status of the Pilot in Fife
4.5.3 Impact on the Workload of Procurators Fiscal and the Courts
4.5.4 Links Between Procurators Fiscal, the Police and Licensing Boards
4.5.5 Perceptions of Success of the Pilot
4.5.6 Future of Alcohol Test Purchasing in Scotland
4.6 Views of Key Local Groups
4.6.1 Background Information
4.6.2 Impact on the Work of the Key Local Groups
4.6.3 Links between the Different Groups, Procurators Fiscal and the Police
4.6.4 Impact of the Pilot
4.6.5 Perceptions of Success of the Pilot
4.6.6 Future of Alcohol Test Purchasing in Scotland
4.7 Test Purchase Data Sheets
4.7.1 Background Information
4.7.2 Test Purchase Visits
4.7.3 Outcome of Test Purchase Visits
4.7.4 Aftermath of Test Purchase Visits
5.1 Views of Licensees
5.2 Views of Volunteers and Parents
5.3 Views of Police Respondents
5.4 Views of Procurator Fiscal
5.5 Views of Key Local Groups
5.6 Test Purchase Visits
5.7 Implications of the Alcohol Test Purchase Pilot
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