May 18, 2007
Dear Interested Party:
Staff has reviewed comments received in response to our February 22, 2007 interested parties meeting regarding the classification and taxation of flavored malt beverages. After considering the comments and information provided to date, staff has identified alternatives and drafted regulatory language that if adopted by the Board, would tax flavored malt beverages as distilled spirits.
Enclosed is the Second Discussion Paper on this subject. This document provides the background, a discussion of the issues and explains alternatives in more detail. Also enclosed for your review is a copy of the draft regulatory language.
A second meeting of interested parties is scheduled for June 6, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 121 (Boardroom) at 450 N Street, Sacramento, California to discuss these alternatives and the draft regulations. . . . .
Read Full Letter and Discussion Paper (PDF)