Based on The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and The National Automotive Sampling System (NASS)
General Estimates System (GES)
2006 Projections
DOT HS 810 755 May 25, 2007
pg. 20 People Killed in Alcohol-Related Crashes
Ø The estimate of people killed in alcohol-related crashes is projected to increase by about 2 percent
Ø Highest level killed since 1992
Ø Fatalities in crashes involving at least one driver, pedestrian or pedalcyclist with a BAC of .08+ are projected to increase by about 3 percent.
Ø The alcohol-related fatality percentage is projected to increase
Ø From 40 percent to 41 percent
Note: The number of alcohol-related fatalities for the 2005 Annual Report File (ARF) is being revised due to State-reporting problems in Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) values that were discovered in the process of building the final file for 2005.
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