We have developed a list of model policies for licensed alcohol establishments and community festivals that serve alcohol. We also have resource materials for understanding local ordinances, as well as a list of model ordinances for reducing youth access to alcohol.
Model Policies for: (1)
Local Ordinances: (2)
Note: These materials are offered for general information and educational purposes. They are not offered as and do not constitute legal advice. (1) Contributors: Traci Toomey, Gunna Kilian, John Gehan, Alexander Wagenaar, Lindsey Fabian, Bud Fitch, Becky Mitchell, Ted Crandall, Darla Phillips, and Sara Solomon. (2) Contributors: Colette Lafond, Kent Klaudt, Carolyn Rosenfeld, Traci Toomey, John Gehan, Mary Hovind, Gunna Kilian, Catherine Rothstein, Tracy Wick, Alexander Wagenaar, Rhonda Jones-Webb, Mark Wolfson, and Jean Forster. _____________________________________________________________________