This paper has been developed and recently approved by the full Board of CAARR and reflects the best thinking on what we now call the Comprehensive Social Model.
It has been the purpose of this text to describe the evolution of Social Model into that of a more comprehensive service delivery system “Comprehensive Social Model”. The commitment to the recovery of alcoholics and addicts has always been the focus of Social Model practitioners. In order to protect the environment and ensure its safety, and to promote spiritual growth conducive to, we have had to modify certain aspects of our service delivery system. These modifications have been dictated by both the changing needs of our clientele (listen to them and they will tell you what they need) and compliance with program licensing, certification (both program and individual), accreditation, SB 198, ADA, CFR 42 Part II, and HIPAA.
We realize that we are not alone in our commitment and dedication to those who need recovery, nor are we so arrogant as to believe that our chosen way of providing services is the only model that works. We do hold true at the core of our belief that authority tends to promote dependency; over function produces dysfunction; and a parent may keep a child a child forever. After all, the one true goal of recovery is to produce an independent, functioning adult.
Contributor: Susan Blacksher CAARR