Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 2006 Dec Vol 20(4) 453-462
The Development and Initial Evaluation of the Survey of Readiness for Alcoholics Anonymous Participation.
Kingree, J. B.; E-mail: jking10@sph.emory.edu Simpson, Alpha; Thompson, Martie; McCrady, Barbara; Tonigan, J. Scott; Lautenschlager, Gary |
Simpson, Alpha: Department of Public Health Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, US
Thompson, Martie: Department of Public Health Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, US
McCrady, Barbara: Department of Psychology, Rutgers University, NJ, US
Tonigan, J. Scott: Department of Psychology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, US
Lautenschlager, Gary: Department of Psychology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, US
This article presents 5 studies related to the development and initial evaluation of the Survey of Readiness for Alcoholics Anonymous Participation (SYRAAP).
The SYRAAP is a brief, multidimensional, self-administered instrument that assesses beliefs associated with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) participation.
Study 1 generated 239 candidate items for potential inclusion in the instrument.
Study 2 assessed the content validity of these items according to 3 criteria and identified a subset of 60 with the highest values on the criteria for further consideration.
Study 3 produced a shorter version of the SYRAAP and evaluated its structure, internal reliability, and validity.
Study 4 reevaluated the structure and internal reliability of the SYRAAP and yielded findings that were generally consistent with those from Study 3.
Study 5 established stability reliability for the instrument.
The collective findings indicated the SYRAAP can reliably and validly assess individual-level beliefs associated with AA participation.
The potential use of the SYRAAP for researchers and clinicians, along with limitations of the work presented here, are discussed.