eNewsletter - February 13, 2007
Faces & Voices of Recovery Board of Directors Call for Nominations
Faces & Voices board’s nominating committee is calling for nominations for seven board openings: four regional representatives and three At-large members. All nominations are due by close of business on March 31. The board will elect new members at its May 10, 2007 meeting. More…
The fight for addiction recovery insurance equity is heating up in Congress. With your help, we can enact the strongest possible insurance reforms that will help restore fairness for people seeking help and long-term recovery from their addiction. More…
HBO’s ADDICTION: Communities Take Action
Faces & Voices of Recovery is pleased to partner with Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) and Join Together in a project in conjunction with HBO’s ADDICTION. More…
Profiles of Recovery in Action
The second in our series of interviews with recovery advocates from across the country by Bill White and Pat Taylor features the Executive Director of Association of Persons Affected by Addiction (APAA) Joe Powell. More…
Johnson Institute’s America Honors Recovery seeks nominees. April 16, 2007 is the deadline for submitting the names of individuals you would like to have considered for the fourth annual America Honors Recovery award. Go to www.johnsoninstitute.org for the 2007 Nomination Packet.
Bangor Daily News column editor Meg Haskell has been holding a weekly conversation with readers about addiction and recovery in Maine since last September. The most recent, Addiction, recovery are a journey, appeared on February 8 th and told the story of Walter Dunton, Jr. who has been clean and sober for 23 years and “tries anyway that I can to help others through the pain of addiction.” A great idea for newspapers around the country!
National Children of Alcoholics Week is February 11-17, 2007. There are organizing materials and other resources available at http://ncadi.samhsa.gov.
National Alcohol Screening Day falls on April 5, 2007. The day is recognized across the country to help people recognize the signs of an alcohol problem and seek help