18. In order to implement resolution WHA58.26, the Secretariat strengthened its capacity and has implemented a range of activities at the global and regional levels. It has given priority to a comprehensive assessment of public-health problems caused by harmful use of alcohol, reviewing evidence and making recommendations for policies and interventions, reinforcing global and regional systems of information about alcohol, and collaborating with relevant stakeholders.
19. Regional activities have been intensified through assessments of public-health problems caused by harmful use of alcohol and design of appropriate regional responses and programmes. Technical consultations were organized in the African (Brazzaville, May 2006), Eastern Mediterranean (Cairo, June 2006) and Western Pacific regions (Manila, March 2006). Resolutions on the subject were adopted by the regional committees for South-East Asia and for the Eastern Mediterranean. A Regional Strategy to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harm was endorsed by the Regional Committee for theWestern Pacific.1
20. The Secretariat has updated the estimated global burden of disease attributable to alcohol and prevalence of alcohol-use disorders. The methods used for the estimations, the new figures on theburden attributable to alcohol, and data-collection procedures and their improvement were discussed at a meeting of a technical advisory group on alcohol epidemiology (Geneva, 13–15 September 2006).
1 Resolution WPR/RC57.R5.
21. The process of drawing up recommendations on policies and interventions to reduce alcoholrelated harm included a series of technical consultations and a web-based survey of the view and
opinions of academic institutions, professional associations, nongovernmental organizations and representatives of the alcoholic-beverage industry and trade and agricultural sectors. The WHO Expert Committee on Problems Related to Alcohol Consumption (Geneva, 10–13 October 2006) reviewed available evidence and made technical recommendations. Further consultations are needed to draft
global recommendations and construct an appropriate framework for global activities to reduce alcohol-related harm that accommodates regional examples such as the European Alcohol Action Plan
2000-2005, the Framework for Alcohol Policy in the WHO European Region and the Regional Strategy to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harm in the Western Pacific Region.
22. In order to enhance the global information system on alcohol consumption and its health and social consequences, the Secretariat has revised and expanded the Global Alcohol Database, and
transferred most of it to a web site. Global monitoring of both harmful use of alcohol and national policy responses need to be strengthened through the establishment or better functioning of regional information systems and effective linking with country-based monitoring and surveillance activities.
The technical tool to support data collection and analysis, the International Guide for Monitoring Alcohol Consumption and Related Harm,1 is being revised. Work on the development of a composite
indicator for monitoring harmful use of alcohol at national and subnational levels is in progress.
23. Collaboration with nongovernmental organizations was enhanced through a global consultation (Geneva, 24–25 April 2006) and by facilitating networking between such organizations and professional associations working directly with alcohol-related problems or in associated areas.
24. An open global consultation with representatives of the alcoholic-beverage industry in order to exchange views on appropriate corporate initiatives was organized in WHO headquarters (Geneva,
8 March 2006). A similar consultation was held in the Western Pacific Region (Manila, 8 June 2006).
Further interaction with representatives of the industry and the agricultural and trade sectors is being planned in the context of their potential contribution to reducing alcohol-related harm as commercial
producers, distributors and marketers of alcoholic beverages.
120th Session 7 December 2006
Provisional agenda item 9.2
Implementation of resolutions: progress reports
Report by the Secretariat