Key Recent Milestones:
· Rwanda: An ICAP representative visited Rwanda in December 2011 to meet with individuals from the Ministry of Health, Rwanda Bureau of Standards, and the Ministry responsible for Radio & Television and industry (Bralirwa Ltd. and Brasserie des Mille Collines). A first draft of a marketing code for Rwanda has been developed and shared with industry stakeholders. The code will be finalized in the coming months.
Global Actions in Focus: Nanjing Drink Drive Education Campaign
In January, Global Actions China launched its Drink Drive Safety Education Campaign in Nanjing. The month-long effort was launched with support from the Nanjing Traffic Management Bureau, the Jiangsu Institute for Health Education, and the Jiangsu Restaurant Association.
“Approximately 100 local restaurants joined in the campaign by promising to provide customers with reminders about drink driving,” said Global Actions China Country Manager James Yu. “In each restaurant, volunteers will remind customers of drink driving at three times: when they park their cars, when they drink, and when they are leaving the restaurant.” Security staff in restaurant parking lots have been trained to caution intoxicated customers not to drive, with instructions to call police if the customer does not comply.
Before the project launch, James Yu and Channel Research’s Annina Mattsson distributed thousands of Global Actions posters, brochures, and educational cards to local hotels and restaurants. Traffic police officers are now conducting enforcement activities that target drink driving on Nanjing streets. Once the campaign wraps up at the end of February, educational content addressing the progress of enforcement operations will be updated and available online.
“Although alcohol-related road traffic accidents have reduced by about 50% from last year, we need to do something more to tackle the problem,” said Nanjing Traffic Management Bureau’s Lihong Zhao, “especially during the Spring festival holiday when people have more chances to consume alcohol.”
Highlights from the launch event included performances by traffic police that incorporated drink drive education into song, sketch, and poetry routines that were well-received by the audience.
What’s Happening Next:
· Argentina: Consejo de Autorregulación Publicitaria (CONARP) is conducting an internal review of its processes. Once reviewed, CONARP will publish the results of these findings on its website http://www.conarp.org.ar/ in order to further align with international advertising self-regulation best practice. These developments are part of CONARP’s collaboration with ICAP and the World Federation of Advertisers.