The TIP reviews gender-specific research and best practices beginning with the common patterns of initiation of substance use among women and extending to specific treatment issues and strategies across substance abuse treatment services.
It provides clinical and administrative information to assist counselors, clinical supervisors, program administrators, and others working with female clients with substance use disorders on how they can best respond to the specific treatment needs of women.
KAP Expert Panel and Federal Government Participants
Chapter 1: Creating the Context
Chapter 2: Patterns of Use: From Initiation to Treatment
Chapter 3: Physiological Effects of Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco on Women
Chapter 4: Screening and Assessment
Chapter 5: Treatment Engagement, Placement, and Planning
Chapter 6: Substance Abuse Among Specific Population Groups and Settings
Chapter 7: Substance Abuse Treatment for Women
Chapter 8: Recovery Management and Administrative Considerations
Appendix B: CSAT’s Comprehensive Substance Abuse Treatment Model for Women and Their Children
Appendix C: Screening and Assessment Instruments
Appendix D: Allen Barriers to Treatment Instrument
Appendix E: DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Appendix F: Integration Self-Assessment for Providers
Appendix G: Resource Panel Members
Appendix H: Cultural Competency and Diversity Network Participants