It is critical that the reporting of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) be transparent and comprehensive.
The aim of this study was to examine if adopting standards of reporting, the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT), improved the quality of reporting of alcohol treatment outcome studies.
RCTs were identified from eight journals publishing a substantial number of alcohol treatment outcome studies (n = 127 RCTs) and coded for the quality of reporting according to the CONSORT guidelines.
Both CONSORT adopter and non-adopter journals showed significant improvements in the quality of reporting of alcohol treatment outcome studies over time.
While overall results suggested a nonsignificant trend for more improvement over time in the quality of reporting for adopter compared to non-adopter journals, comparison of effects sizes suggested that specific areas of reporting did significantly improve for the adopter journals.
Results suggest that efforts to improve reporting such as the CONSORT guidelines can be useful and influential.
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