Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a person-centered, empathic, guiding approach that can lead people to make significant changes in their lives. The practice of MI involves a creative combining of spirit and technique - or what has been described as "practicing kindness with skill." This web cast will explore what is meant by the spirit of MI, why it is essential, and how we can embrace and embody this spirit more fully in providing care for people experiencing homelessness.
Steven Samra Steven recently joined the Homelessness Resource Center team as a Recovery Specialist. He is also a Veteran’s Services Coordinator with Operation Stand Down Nashville. He spent 30+ years in and out of homelessness while battling addictions, then "got it together" in 2000 and received his BA and MPA at Cal State University Chico. Since then, he has dedicated his life to serving those who are still on the street. For the past three years, Steven has worked as a street outreach worker and you can currently find him assisting homeless veterans in and around Nashville, Tennessee. He serves on the Board of the Nashville Coalition for the Homeless, co-founded and writes for The Contributor, a street newspaper produced and sold by the homeless, is a staff writer for Change.org’s homelessness section and blogs at Stone Soup Station. In his spare time, he breathes.
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Who should attend?
Direct service providers, outreach workers, case managers, peer support specialists, project directors, team leaders and policy makers can all benefit from this webcast.About the presenter
Ken Kraybill, MSW Ken has been working in the health, behavioral health, and homelessness arena for the past 27 years. Drawing upon 18 years of direct service and advocacy experience in homeless settings, Ken has developed various curricula, resource guides and workshops to inform and equip others in the field. He provides training nationally on topics including outreach and engagement, motivational interviewing, supervision, and personal and organizational wellness. Ken works for the Homelessness Resource Center as a Training and Technical Assistance Specialist.Steven Samra Steven recently joined the Homelessness Resource Center team as a Recovery Specialist. He is also a Veteran’s Services Coordinator with Operation Stand Down Nashville. He spent 30+ years in and out of homelessness while battling addictions, then "got it together" in 2000 and received his BA and MPA at Cal State University Chico. Since then, he has dedicated his life to serving those who are still on the street. For the past three years, Steven has worked as a street outreach worker and you can currently find him assisting homeless veterans in and around Nashville, Tennessee. He serves on the Board of the Nashville Coalition for the Homeless, co-founded and writes for The Contributor, a street newspaper produced and sold by the homeless, is a staff writer for Change.org’s homelessness section and blogs at Stone Soup Station. In his spare time, he breathes.
To register for this webcast please follow the link provided at the top of the page or register hereFor information on the registration process please download the Registration manual