Health, United States, 2009 is the 33rd annual report on the health status of the Nation, prepared by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services for the President and the Congress.
In a Chartbook and 150 detailed tables, the report provides an annual picture of the health of the entire United States. Trends are presented for health status and health care utilization, resources, and expenditures.
This year’s report includes a special feature on medical technology. As advances in medical technology continue to transform the provision of health care and lengthen and improve quality of life, questions are increasingly raised about the appropriate and equitable use of this technology and how best to control its contribution to rising health care expenditures.
. . . . In 2007, 21% of adults 18 years of age and over reported having five or more drinks in a day at least once in the past year, and 9% reported having five or more drinks in a day at least 12 times in the past year (Table 66).
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