California Coalition Promotes Alcohol Mitigation Fee
Los Angeles, CA (October 19, 2009) --- The Charge for Harm Alliance – a diverse coalition of treatment and prevention providers, public health advocates, consumers advocates, public safety groups, youth and labor – launched a campaign today to pass an alcohol mitigation fee in California in 2010.
Over 100 people rallied with the new Alliance in South Central Los Angeles to advocate for the passage of AB 1019, the Alcohol-Related Services Program. Simultaneously, Supervisor Bevan Dufty of San Francisco held a hearing on a resolution asking San Francisco to support AB 1019. A new web site loaded with information on the bill and alcohol harm was launched at www.ChargeForHarm.org.
AB 1019, authored by Assembly Member Jim Beall (D-San Jose), would stablish the Alcohol-RelatedServices Program within the California Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs. A $1.44 billion annual alcohol mitigation fee will fund the program and mark the first time the industry has begun to pay its fair share of California’s annual alcohol-related trauma care, hospitalization, reatment, prevention, and criminal justice costs. As AB 1019 is a fee program, it only requires a majority vote in Sacramento. . . . . . .
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