The effects of extended-release naltrexone on holiday drinking in alcohol-dependent patients
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment Volume 36, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 1-6
A post hoc analysis examined the effect of extended-release naltrexone (XR-NTX) treatment combined with psychosocial support on alcohol consumption during holiday and nonholiday periods in a cohort of alcohol-dependent patients who had maintained at least 4 days of continuous abstinence before receiving their first treatment.
Three parameters of drinking behavior were examined: percentage of drinking days, percentage of heavy drinking days, and the number of drinks per day.
Patients receiving XR-NTX 380 mg reported significantly lower median percentages of drinking days, heavy drinking days, and the number of drinks per day compared with the placebo group. Patients treated with XR-NTX 190 mg reported similar results overall.
The results suggest that treatment with XR-NTX 380 mg in combination with psychosocial intervention leads to significant reductions in alcohol consumption, with some measures indicating abstinence in alcohol-dependent patients with initial abstinence during holiday periods.
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