Changing From “Dry” to “Wet” Spurs Retail Sales, Creates Jobs, Increases Tax Revenues
AUSTIN - Communities that vote to allow beverage alcohol sales can expect millions of dollars in increased economic activity, hundreds of additional jobs and a steady source of new tax revenue, according to a new study by The Perryman Group.
“Our analysis found that even after all other economic trends and retail patterns are taken into account, there is a statistically significant increase in retail sales following a change from ‘dry’ to ‘wet’. And, an area can reasonably expect a substantial gain in retail sales taxes the year after approval of a local option alcohol election,” said Dr. Ray Perryman, president of The Perryman Group.
The 52-page study by the Waco-based economic and financial analysis firm measured the economic impact of beer, wine and distilled spirits sales on three hypothetical areas that changed from “dry” to “wet.”
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