From the Minister for Health and Ageing:
As a nation we must recognise that doing more to stay healthy and well will be key to coping with the human and financial costs of chronic and preventable illness.
The Rudd Government was elected on a platform that recognised that things need to be done differently in health care in the future. Prevention of illness and chronic disease is central to a sustainable health system and a fuller life for all members of the Australian community.
Too often in the past, individuals, communities and governments have focussed on the immediate issues of treating people after they become sick. Whilst this will always remain vital, and there is much to do in this area, we cannot afford to limit our focus to treatment and ignore prevention.
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Single large document:
Australia: the healthiest country by 2020 (PDF 1026 KB)
The same publication in smaller sections:
- Cover, Copyright, Acknowledgement (PDF 174 KB)
- Foreword (PDF 63 KB)
- Invitation from the Chair (PDF 44 KB)
- Contents (PDF 98 KB)
- Executive summary (PDF 172 KB)
- 1. Introduction (PDF 209 KB)
- 2. The case for prevention: overweight and obesity (PDF 217 KB)
- 3. The case for prevention: tobacco (PDF 224 KB)
- 4. The case for prevention: alcohol (PDF 202 KB)
- 5. Supporting prevention (PDF 124 KB)
- 6. Choosing performance indicators (PDF 136 KB)
- 7. Towards a National Preventative Health Strategy – your views (PDF 102 KB)
- References (PDF 122 KB) (PDF 122 KB)