Event to Commemorate Gordie Bailey & 1,700 Students Who Die Annually as a Result of Alcohol Misuse
DALLAS, TX, Oct 10, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- On October 22, 2008, thousands of college students across the nation will participate in National GORDIEday in observance of National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week to raise awareness about the dangers of binge drinking and hazing and commemorate the lives of more than 1,700 students who die each year as a result of alcohol-related incidents.
National GORDIEday is presented by The Gordie Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded in memory of Lynn Gordon Bailey, Jr., a freshman who died of alcohol poisoning following a fraternity hazing incident at the University of Colorado in 2004. The Gordie Foundation's mission is to provide today's young people with the skills to navigate the dangers of alcohol, binge drinking, peer pressure, and hazing.
As part of that mission, the organization created a peer-to-peer advocacy program on campuses across the country called the Circle of Trust. To date there are more than 100 Circle of Trust chapters on university and college campuses in the United States that have been invited to participate in National GORDIEday. For a complete list of participating campuses, please visit www.gordie.org.
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