Acamprosate: A New Medication for Alcohol Use Disorders
The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment's Knowledge Application Program (CSAT KAP) is pleased to offer its first online e-learning course, Acamprosate: A New Medication for Alcohol Use Disorders. The course provides information about the use, side effects, and contraindications of acamprosate; information to discuss with clients; and a comparison of medications used to treat alcohol use disorders.
The course is self-paced so that users can log out and return later to continue where they left off. The course includes interactive exercises, case examples, and a test. Counselors who successfully complete the course receive one NAADAC-approved continuing education unit (CEU) at no cost and can print out their CEU certificate.
Access e-Learning Course— Acamprosate: A New Medication for Alcohol Use Disorders