Herbal Mixtures Consisting of Puerarin and Either Polyenylphosphatidylcholine or Curcumin Provide Comprehensive Protection Against Alcohol-Related Disorders in P Rats Receiving Free Choice Water and 15% Ethanol in Pure Water
Journal of Medicinal Food. 2007, 10(3): 526-542.
This study describes possible therapeutic potency of puerarin (PU) from kudzu root, polyenylphosphatidylcholine from soy (SPCh), and curcumin (CU) from turmeric against alcohol's addiction-related and inflammatory-related abnormalities in alcohol-preferring P rats receiving free choice water and 15% ethanol in water.
PU suppressed the addiction-mediated abnormalities but did not affect the inflammation-related abnormalities, while SPCh or CU suppressed only the inflammation-related abnormalities in alcohol-drinking rats subjected to LPS-induced pleurisy.
A combination of PU with SPCh or CU suppressed both the addiction-related and inflammation-related abnormalities of alcohol drinking.
Therefore, a mixture consisting of PU and either SPCh or CU may provide alternative therapy for alcohol-related disorders.
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