Summary of Current Alcohol Research and Research Gaps
NHS Health Scotland undertook a scoping of the alcohol research literature in Scotland identifying current research and research gaps. This summary was produced and circulated to the Alcohol Evidence Group and was used as a tool to inform the development of the Alcohol Research Framework.
The Scottish Executive has identified the following priorities for action:
• To develop a strong evidence base on the extent and nature of alcohol problems and the effectiveness of harm reduction interventions, and ensure this is reflected in policy development and service delivery.
• To tackle health inequalities.
• To reduce alcohol-related violence and offending.
• To change the culture of excessive drinking and drinking to get drunk to a culture of drinking for responsible enjoyment.
• To reduce the number of young people and young adults under the age of 25 who drink excessively and face particular health and social risks.
• To reduce the number of people of working age (25-64) who are routinely exceeding weekly limits and are at risk of future health harm.
• To reduce the number of women whose drinking puts them at particular health and personal safety risks.
• To develop educational and workplace cultures which promote healthy lifestyle choices and provide people with or at risk of developing alcohol problems with appropriate support.