This report is the twelfth in a series originally titled Statistics on Drug Abuse in Australia. The report provides a comprehensive summary of major drug use statistical collections, with references to sources of more detailed information. It also serves as the 'companion document' to the National Drug Strategy 2004-2009.
Data are presented on patterns of drug use, international comparisons, drugs and health, special population groups, and crime and law enforcement. New to this edition is a feature on methamphetamine use, drug use among prisoners and juvenile offenders, and alcohol use among those in the workforce.
This report and others in the Drug Statistics Series are useful resources for policy-makers, planners and researchers interested in drug-related matters.
Key findingsAlcohol
• In 2004, 9% of Australians drank daily, 41% drank weekly and 34% drank less than
• This pattern has remained relatively unchanged over the period 1991 to 2004.
• In 2004, 35% of Australians drank alcohol at levels considered risky or high risk for
short-term harm and 10% at levels considered risky or high risk for long-term harm.