Special Issue on ‘Substance abuse, poverty and human
development in Africa’
Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development: October 2007
We are pleased to inform you that the African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies is planning a special issue on “Substance abuse, poverty and human development in Africa” as a participant in the Council of Science Editors’ call for a Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development scheduled for publication in October 2007.
In this special initiative, more than 100 journals throughout the world will simultaneously publish papers on this topic of worldwide interest - to raise awareness, stimulate interest, and encourage research on poverty and human development. This represents a unique, unprecedented international collaboration with journals from developed and developing countries
The AJDAS will accept papers on all aspects of alcohol and other psychoactive substances as long as they focus on the link with poverty and development issues. We invite authors to submit to the journal high-quality original research, reviews and commentaries for consideration. Papers on alcohol production and consumption (including traditional beverages), trafficking in illicit drugs, abuse of inhalants and local substances by poor urban youth, developmental aspects of national drug control policies, the impact of substance use on health and development, etc. are of interest tom the journal.
To be included in this special issue, manuscripts should be received by the 31 May 2007. Please send inquiries and completed papers directly to the Editor-inchief of the journal (E-mail: isobot@hotmail.com). In keeping with the tradition of the journal, all papers for this special issue (whether solicited or not) will undergo peer review.
If you are interested in more information on the Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development, you can visit the Council of Science Editors Web site at http://www.councilscienceeditors.org/globalthemeissue.cfm.
For more information about the AJDAS and for papers published in back issues of the journal visit http://www.crisanet.org/html/journal.htm.
Work on the publication of this and other special issue is supported by a grant from the IOGT-NTO, Sweden, through a twinning arrangement with the journal Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAT). In this arrangement, copies of the African journal are distributed to all NAT subscribers globally.
Please distribute this announcement to colleagues who might be interested in contributing to this special issue of the journal.