Venue: Dunsmuir Lodge, University of Victoria, Vancouver Island (near airport and ferry), British Columbia, Canada
Dates: May 7-10th, 2007
Health Canada is the main sponsor along with the Centre for Addictions Research of BC. Other funding partners to date are the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, the BC Mental Health and Addictions Research Network, the Centre for Addictions and Mental Health and the BC Provincial Health Services Authority.
Review international and Canadian experiences with designing, implementing and utilising alcohol and other drug monitoring programs with a view to defining best practices.
Discuss case studies of the application of monitoring programs for a) the evaluation of significant policies relevant to the reduction of alcohol and other\n drug-related harm, and/or b) influencing the policy agenda.
Review progress with national efforts in Canada to coordinate monitoring systems across different provinces.
Review and peer review early results from the BC pilot of a new Canadian alcohol and other drug epidemiological monitoring system.
The identification of feasible and cost-effective indicators of hazardous patterns of substance use and related harms to inform the identification, development and implementation of policies and programs to deal with problems related to alcohol and other drug use in Canada.
Discuss case studies of the application of monitoring programs for a) the evaluation of significant policies relevant to the reduction of alcohol and other drug-related harm, and/or b) influencing the policy agenda.
Review progress with national efforts in Canada to coordinate monitoring systems across different provinces.
Review and peer review early results from the BC pilot of a new Canadian alcohol and other drug epidemiological monitoring system.
The identification of feasible and cost-effective indicators of hazardous patterns of substance use and related harms to inform the identification, development and implementation of policies and programs to deal with problems related to alcohol and other drug use in Canada.
Contributor: Tim Stockwell