Journal of Public Health Policy (2006) 27, 389–404.
How Safe are Federal Regulations on Occupational Alcohol Use?
Jonathan Howland, Alissa Almeida, Damaris Rohsenow, Sara Minsky and Jacey Greece
Correspondence: Jacey Greece, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Boston University School of Public Health, 715 Albany Street, Talbot 2 West, Boston, MA 02118, USA. E-mail: jhowl@bu.edu
Current US federal regulations on occupational alcohol use for safety-sensitive jobs do not account for impairment from low doses of alcohol and next day effects of heavy drinking.
Research on the effects of low doses of alcohol on neurocognitive and simulated occupational tasks suggests that the current per se level of these regulations is set too high. Research on the effects of heavy drinking on next-day neurocognitive and simulated occupational performance is mixed and suggests that further research is needed to determine the safety of current "bottle-to-throttle" times.
Although low-dose and residual drinking effects may pose low relative risk for occupational error, the aggregate contribution of these exposures to workplace problems may be substantial, given the number of people exposed.
full text (pdf)
How Safe are Federal Regulations on Occupational Alcohol Use?
Jonathan Howland, Alissa Almeida, Damaris Rohsenow, Sara Minsky and Jacey Greece
Correspondence: Jacey Greece, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Boston University School of Public Health, 715 Albany Street, Talbot 2 West, Boston, MA 02118, USA. E-mail: jhowl@bu.edu
Current US federal regulations on occupational alcohol use for safety-sensitive jobs do not account for impairment from low doses of alcohol and next day effects of heavy drinking.
Research on the effects of low doses of alcohol on neurocognitive and simulated occupational tasks suggests that the current per se level of these regulations is set too high. Research on the effects of heavy drinking on next-day neurocognitive and simulated occupational performance is mixed and suggests that further research is needed to determine the safety of current "bottle-to-throttle" times.
Although low-dose and residual drinking effects may pose low relative risk for occupational error, the aggregate contribution of these exposures to workplace problems may be substantial, given the number of people exposed.
full text (pdf)