eNewsletter - January 31, 2007
Just two more days to sign up for our Recovery Advocacy Webinar
Editorial Boards – Media Outreach Nuts and Bolts. Listen and participate in our first exciting online, hour long recovery advocacy training featuring communications expert Jeff Valliere and Reclaiming Futures Project Director Charlotte McGuire on Saturday, February 3rd more…
Profiles of Recovery Advocacy in Action
Faces & Voices is pleased to launch a regular series of interviews with recovery advocates from across the country who will be interviewed by Bill White and Pat Taylor. The first is with Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) Executive Director Phillip Valentine. More…
Addiction Recovery Insurance Discrimination Registry Launch
State and federal policymakers are shining light on the fact that far too many Americans are not getting the help they need to achieve long-term recovery from addiction, even if they have private health insurance. We are setting up the Addiction Recovery Insurance Discrimination Registry to collect the stories of individuals and families to document the discriminatory practices that are preventing people and their families from new lives in recovery. We need your help to document your experiences and your story.
Campaign to Insure Mental Health and Addiction Equity
Representatives Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) and Jim Ramstad’s (R-MN) nationwide informal field hearings in cities across the country, the Campaign to Insure Mental Health and Addiction Equity, are underway. They are joining with other members of Congress to collect testimony from people whose lives have been touched by addiction or mental illness. More…
Rally for Recovery!
Mark your calendar for the 2007 Rally for Recovery! on Saturday, September 15th. This year Faces & Voices has produced a Rally for Recovery! logo that you can you can use in your organizing more…
- “The Science of Addiction from Neurobiology to Treatment,” is a new book by Carlton K. Erickson who participated in the Alliance Project and the founding of Faces & Voices of Recovery. In the book, he presents a comprehensive overview of the roles that brain function and genetics play in addiction. It is intended to equip people who are working as counselors, social workers and psychologists with a thorough understanding of the latest neurobiological causes of addiction, thus ensuring a more knowledgeable and effective approach to overcoming the illness.
-New research maps the brain’s recovery from alcoholism. Researchers in Germany and Switzerland have found that the brain can recover most if not all of its capabilities when people stop drinking. The article, “Manifestations of Early Brain Recovery Associated with Abstinence from Alcoholism” in the January 2007 issue of the journal Brain reports that its results support the notion that brain regeneration can be attained rapidly by abstinence. MRI studies and cognitive tests were used to track the brain changes in a group of alcohol-dependent subjects as they embarked on the road to recovery.
- A New PATH (Parents for Addiction Treatment and Healing). In 2004 A New PATH created the first “Faces of Recovery” calendar that more….
Faces & Voices of Recovery launches our membership campaign! Join now!