Our aim was to establish whether alcohol protects against RA development and to determine whether this effect is influenced by alcohol dose, duration and serological status through systematically reviewing the literature and undertaking a meta-analysis.
We searched Medline/EMBASE (1946 to July 2012) using the terms rheumatoid arthritis.mp or arthritis, rheumatoid/ and alcohol.mp or ethanol/. Manuscript bibliographies were reviewed. Observational studies were included that were case–control/cohort, examined the relationship between alcohol and RA risk and reported or allowed the calculation of effect size data [odds ratios (ORs)/relative risks (RRs) with 95% CIs] in drinkers vs non-drinkers. A random-effects model was used to estimate pooled ORs/RRs. Dose–risk relationships were evaluated by trend tests.
Alcohol intake is inversely associated with ACPA-positive RA, suggesting a protective effect. As this finding is confined to case–control studies further research is required with prospective cohort studies incorporating ACPA status to confirm this relationship.
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