Dopamine receptors are extensively studied in association with alcohol dependence (AD), since they are thought to be the key neural substrate for alcohol and other drug-related reinforcement and reward behaviours. The present study aims to understand the role of dopamine receptors in susceptibility to AD with respect to three sites of DRD2 gene (-141C Ins/Del, TaqIB and TaqID) and TaqIA site of ANKK1 gene among Meiteis of Manipur, a Mendelian population of India.
A total of 129 individuals who all met the DSM-IV criteria for AD and 286 controls were screened for four single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) -141C Ins/Del, TaqIB TaqID and TaqIA. Both AD cases and controls were unrelated up to first cousin.
Early age of onset of alcohol consumption and smoking status were significantly associated with AD. Improvement in education and occupation statuses showed decreased risk of AD. The heterozygous and mutant homozygous conditions of ANKK1 TaqIA polymorphism were found to be significantly associated with AD (odds ratio = 2.13, 95% confidential interval 1.04–4.39, P < 0.05), whereas a borderline significance of the -141C Del allele was observed (P = 0.059). Such a trend was not observed between AD and the other polymorphism, i.e. TaqIB and TaqID.
Individuals carrying the A1 allele of ANKK1 TaqIA polymorphism may be relatively more susceptible to AD. Interaction of both ANKK1 TaqIA and -141C Ins/Del polymorphism is likely to increase risk of AD phenotypes among Meiteis of Manipur, India.
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