Key Recent Milestones:
· Worldwide: ICAP has released a comprehensive reference guide to publications, policy tools, and briefings: ICAP Resources. The guide provides links to resources for use in addressing particular issues relating to policy and interventions.
Global Actions in Focus: Self-Regulation in Mexico
Self-Regulation initiatives are moving along in Mexico with a recent industry milestone. In May, the Board of Self-Regulation and Ethics (CONAR) and the Commission of the Wine and Spirit Industry (CIVyL) gathered in Mexico City to sign an agreement for the administration of a code of advertising standards for development and sale of alcoholic beverages in Mexico.
The Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (COFEPRIS) and the Social Research Foundation AC (FISAC) were present to witness the signing.
The contract represents a commitment of the wine and spirits industry to ensure full compliance with the advertising self-regulatory code signed in January 2012 with COFEPRIS. Under the agreement, CONAR will act as administrator among members of CIVyL and COFEPRIS in activities arranged by the Code of Advertising Standards.
ICAP’s Brett Bivans spoke about the importance of trust between government, industry, and marketers. “This agreement shows the leadership of the signatories to the future,” Bivans said.
President of CIVyL Santaella Randy McCann said the agreement reflects a job well done between society, industry, and government.
“The CONAR-CIVyL agreement is the culmination of over two years work and represents a turning point in alcohol self-regulation in Mexico,” said Stephen Loerke, Managing Director of the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA). WFA looks forward to working closely with CONAR and our other partners in implementing this agreement.”
COFEPRIS Commisioner Mikel Arriola Penalosa spoke about the importance of a self-regulation agreement. “This is one of the best tools we have for purposes of facilitating the free exchange of goods and services,” he said.
What’s Happening Next:
· Belgium: The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) will hold its annual meeting in Belgium on June 1. ICAP’s Brett Bivans will be among the participants. ICAP is a founding member of GRSP