The purpose of this research was to investigate whether factors associated with first obtaining care for alcohol problems vary by source of care.
This study used data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions to examine initiation of different types of care over a 3-year follow-up interval among individuals with baseline alcohol use disorders who had not previously obtained any care (n = 2,170). Three hierarchical, mutually exclusive types of care were compared: substance use disorder (SUD) specialty sources, general medical but no SUD specialty sources, and nonmedical sources only.
Having injured oneself or someone else because of drinking was associated with initiating all three types of care. Additional factors associated with initiating care from SUD specialty treatment sources (vs. no care) comprised male sex, alcohol use disorder severity, major financial problems, and nondependent tobacco/drug use. Factors associated with initiating care from general medical but not SUD specialty sources (vs. no care) comprised marriage/cohabitation, college student status, number of medical conditions, and other substance dependence. Factors associated with obtaining care only from nonmedical sources (vs. no care) comprised low income and anxiety disorder. When direct comparisons were made among types of care, factors drawing individuals into general medical care for reasons not necessarily related to alcohol problems were those that primarily distinguished utilization of general medical sources from the other two types of care.
Results support the importance of screening in general medical practice and student health services as an important means of identifying individuals in need of brief intervention or more intensive SUD treatment and reiterate the importance of nonmedical sources for individuals whose alcohol problems might never be addressed in routine medical visits.
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