Key Recent Milestones:
· Russia: ICAP held a Master Class in Moscow for industry stakeholders from Russia and Ukraine as part of its effort to build capacity across the alcohol industry.
Global Actions in Focus: Self-Regulation in the Philippines
As part of the collaboration between The International Center for Alcohol Policies (ICAP) and the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) on self-regulation, Global Actions in the Philippines has reached two important milestones.
In August 2011, the Philippine local self-regulary organization - the Ad Standards Council (ASC) - introduced a system of pre-clearance of alcohol beverage ads in print form. The decision is intended to ensure that print ads are treated in the same manner that alcohol beverage ads are addressed in other media (TV, radio, outdoor). It reinforces the credibility of beverage alcohol advertising self-regulation in the Philippines. During the course of 2012, the local advertising association (the Philippine Association of National Advertisers – PANA) and the ASC will seek to extend the scope of pre-clearance to include digital advertising with the support of key local stakeholders such as the Internet and Mobile Marketing Association of the Philippines (IMMAP).
A second milestone was reached in the fall of 2011 when ASC launched an ambitious awareness raising campaign across four national TV channels and on radio. The campaign highlighted ASC’s role in the self-regulation process and ran a second time in February 2012. The two ads, Baby Ver. 1 and Suitor Ver. 1 can he viewed on YouTube. Once the campaign has concluded, PANA and ASC will undertake a second national awareness survey in 2012 in order to measure results of the campaign with the pre-campaign survey and report on the impact of the campaign on consumer awareness in the Philippines.
What’s Happening Next:
· Brussels: The European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) is holding a self-regulation conference on March 28.