Key Recent Milestones:
· China: Baseline surveys have been conducted in Xi’an and Wuhan for Global Actions drink drive initiative in China. Researchers interviewed 1,900 local people in Xi’an and 900 in Wuhan. Surveys will continue in Wuhan this week and begin in Nanjing on March 7. View photos on our Facebook page.
Global Actions in Focus: Drink Drive Summit in Puebla, Mexico
Global Actions Mexico made more progress in February with a drink drive capacity-building summit in Puebla. ICAP partnered with the Puebla State Road Safety Police to hold Working together towards zero alcohol deaths in Puebla.
With the goal of assisting states and municipalities to reduce drink driving throughout Mexico, the event drew attendees from Puebla state police forces, road safety organizations, elected officials, local media, Benemerita Universidad de Puebla, and Universidad de las Americas. Presenters encouraged discussion of strategies and action plans to most effectively address alcohol-related road safety issues.
“With an evidence-based approach, we sought to bring strategic resources and information to public health institutions, governments, and other entities concerned,” said Global Actions Mexico Country Manager Mariana Guerra Rendon.
ICAP consultant William Georges presented on traffic safety programs such as the STOP-DWI program that has been successfully implemented throughout the United States.
Edgar Sanchez Valencia of the Direccion de Vialidad del Estado gave a review of crash data in Puebla, and Diputado Hector Alonso Granadas, president of the Comision de Seguridad Publica y Proteccion Civil spoke on legislative issues.
“We are extremely pleased to be working with law enforcement and allied organizations in Puebla,” said Georges. “By everyone working together: law enforcement, education, legislators, and alcohol producers, we will strive to accomplish the life-saving goal of zero alcohol deaths.”
For more, read ICAP’s press release of the summit and view more photos.
What’s Happening Next:
· Vietnam: A launch event will be held in Hanoi on March 20 for Global Actions self-regulation initiative in Vietnam. The Vietnam Beer Alcohol Beverage Association (VBA) has partnered in our efforts to develop a marketing code for wine and spirits.