To evaluate the changes in mortality and the years of potential life lost (YPLL) due to alcohol-related injuries, as well as the impact of alcohol-related injuries on life expectancy during the period of the implementation of comprehensive alcohol control policy in Lithuania.
Data on deaths from injuries (ICD-10 codes V01-Y98) of the able-bodied population (aged 15–64 years) during 2006–2009 were obtained from the Lithuanian Department of Statistics. Age-standardized rates of alcohol-related mortality and YPLL per 100, 000 population due to injuries and the impact of alcohol-related injuries on life expectancy were calculated. The results of forensic autopsies were the basis for the alcohol-attributable fraction.
The age-standardized YPLL/100,000 of the able-bodied population due to alcohol-related injuries was 2285.6 (4067.5 for males and 573.6 for females) in 2009. In 2009, YPLL/100,000 due to alcohol-related injuries declined by 16.3%, while due to alcohol-related traffic accidents by 51.2% when compared with 2006. However, YPLL/100, 000 due to alcohol-related suicides increased among males. A 15 to 64-year-old decedent lost an average of 21.2 years of life due to alcohol-related injuries (21.6 years on average per male and 19.1 per female). The impact of alcohol-related injuries on life expectancy decreased from 1.14 years (1.86 for males and 0.34 for females) in 2006 to 0.97 years (1.62 for males and 0.26 for females) in 2009.
The positive changes in YPLL due to alcohol-related injuries and the impact of alcohol-related injuries on life expectancy indicate successful implementation of evidence-based alcohol control measures.
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