The second international conference of SAFFrance to be organised on the 15th and 16th of December in Strasbourg is linked to the first conference organised in the Senate in September 2009 to which the higher head of state participated.
Its aim will be to facilitate the professionals’ awareness on the link between prenatal alcohol, brain damage, difficulties to learn and social maladjustment and hence, on the way to prevent these issues.
With the help of the Ministries of Health, Social Cohesion and Education this international conference’s aim is to focus on :
- The short and long term effects of prenatal alcohol on the developing brain (clinical, neuro-imaging, biomedical)
The aims of the conference:
- on the diagnostic tools and the on the diagnostic tools and the assessment from the antenatal period to school age
- on the methods of coaching, compensation and on the diagnostic tools and the assessment from the antenatal period to school age
-on the methods of coaching, compensation and taking care of Neurodevelopmental Disorders linked to alcohol (through a support network, rehabilitations, adapted teaching, psychological support…)
- on the prevention of FASD with the help of a cross-wise network support based on a real national plan for the next ten years.
It has the ambition to bring together the best specialists worldwide and all french professionals involved, from near or far in this issue through a crosswise approach : Medico - psycho - educational - social.