Superficially it seemed like a good year for road safety in Ireland. The recession and emigration meant that traffic, and therefore road accidents, were down last year by 48% from ten years ago, (though up again in the first half of this year). New legislation is set to enforce a lower drink drive level at 50mg, down from 80mg, to comply with European recommendations, and random breath tests are also to be implemented, which are known to reduce incidents of drink driving. > > > > Read More
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011
One in eight drivers in Ireland are drunk. Are the roads safe?
Superficially it seemed like a good year for road safety in Ireland. The recession and emigration meant that traffic, and therefore road accidents, were down last year by 48% from ten years ago, (though up again in the first half of this year). New legislation is set to enforce a lower drink drive level at 50mg, down from 80mg, to comply with European recommendations, and random breath tests are also to be implemented, which are known to reduce incidents of drink driving. > > > > Read More